Chickpea and Black Bean Salad

Did anyone see the incredible lightning storm last night? We were coming home from Charlie’s Bistro after another fantastic Boy and Bean music set and strikes lit up the sky in an amazing display throughout our drive.

To back track, if anyone ever has a chance to see Boy and Bean, they are a great young trio with a passion for depression era jazz. Lucky for us they cross the Columbia River once a month to perform at Charlie’s Bistro in downtown Vancouver. Service at Charlie’s is always good, their wine list is thoughtfully compiled and they have vegetable paella on the menu (among other things). I’ve wanted to try paella for years but it always has shell fish in it which I don’t care for. The combination of saffron brown rice, vegetables, olives and almonds is filling, satisfying and flavorful.

Needless to say, with the humidity being as high as it’s been, it’s a treat to go out and let other people do the cooking. It’s also great picnic weather and I’m in the mood for a cold salad with some protein. The Chickpea Salad recipe that follows was originally forwarded to me by my mom several years ago and it packs up quite nicely for an afternoon at the park, on the boat, or at a friend’s barbeque get together.

Completely unrelated, I added a photo of my gorgeous cat enjoying the strawberry patch just because I can.

Wine suggestion: My gutt really wants to pair this with an Old Vine Zinfandel from California. Zinfandel is a bit spicy and works well with chickpeas and cumin. If you’re looking for a white due to the season, try a German Riesling. I’m not a big fan of American Rieslings because they tend to be too sweet but Rieslings from Germany or the Alsatian region of France exhibit less oak and have more refreshing crispness that I think of fondly when considering a Riesling.

Chickpea & Black Bean Salad
Chickpea & Black Bean Salad

Chickpea Salad

1 15.5 oz can chickpeas, drained

1 15 oz can black beans, drained

3 scallions thinly sliced

3 celery stalks, washed and diced

¼ cup lemon juice

¼ c olive oil

1 ½ tsp cumin

1 ½ tsp sea salt

1/3 tsp ground black pepper

Combine the chickpeas, black beans, scallions and celery. Toss to combine. In a small bowl, whisk together the remaining ingredients, then pour over the chickpeas and toss to coat evenly. Let it set 10 minutes for the flavors to develop. Serves 4-6. *To make the salad more substantial, add crumbled feta cheese and several diced tomatoes.

Modified. Original source unknown.

My gorgeous cat - just 'cuz I can
My gorgeous cat – just ‘cuz I can