Oat Bran Muffins

Today is the 21st wedding anniversary for my husband and me so I thought I’d share the flower bouquet he picked and designed for me this morning. He used to buy me the most gorgeous roses from the since defunked Coventry Garden next to Olive Garden by the mall. When ‘his money’ and ‘my money’ became ‘our money’ I no longer wanted it used to buy things so temporary (I’d rather travel) so a hand-picked bouquet of sage, rosemary, coreopsis and lavender is absolutely perfect. The bonus is that it smells even better than roses and the herbs can be used for cooking when the flowers start to wilt.

Anniversary bouquet with yard flowers and herbs
Anniversary bouquet with yard flowers and herbs

As I’ve mentioned, I enjoy oatmeal most mornings for breakfast. I don’t even know if I so much enjoy that every morning as it’s just one less thing I have to put energy into thinking about, you know?

Sometimes, however, pancakes or French toast or range free scrambled eggs or muffins with some fruit sounds nice. I found a good Oat Bran Muffin recipe thirteen years ago that I’ve since adapted considerably (as I have a habit of doing). My most recent efforts have created a really terrific muffin that’s healthier than it originally was. Two of these coupled with a sliced mango and the morning is definitely looking up.

Oat Bran Muffins

Oat Bran muffins
Oat Bran muffins

1 ¼ cup nonfat milk (I use soy or almond)

Whites of 2 eggs (I use 2 Tbsp tapioca flour and 2 Tbsp water)

2 large overripe bananas

¼ cup maple sugar (or agave nectar)

2 ¼ cup oat bran

1 Tbsp baking powder

2 Tbsp chopped almonds

¼ cup shredded coconut (the unsweetened kind is great)

Handful of raisins -or- blueberries

Combine all wet ingredients in a mixing bowl. Blend. Combine all dry ingredients in a separate bowl and add to the wet ingredients. Blend. Add a handful or raisins or blueberries, if using and mix briefly to incorporate. Fill greased muffin tins. Bake at 450 degrees until top of muffins are brown (about 15 minutes). Makes 12 muffins.

Modified considerably. Original source unknown.