Salmon and Pasta Salad

With temperatures staying consistently at 80 degrees and above for the next several days, I think a cold pasta salad is in order. There are so many to choose from but it really comes down to the flavors in the dressing.

What I like about the one below is that it calls for Dijon mustard. I had extra Mustard-Crusted Salmon from the blog I posted on July 28th so I just cut that into small pieces, tossed it in with my pasta and left out the Dijon mustard in the dressing of this dish. A great way to use leftovers if you’re thinking ahead. I’d love to impress you by saying I planned it that way but I didn’t. Another serendipitous moment brought to you by Life.

I also like the fact that is calls for zucchini since it’s growing season and we have that in our garden. Unfortunately, the critter that’s chomping on our zucchini is really giving me a run for my money and I am harvesting less than it is. My husband thinks it’s a raccoon. How does something that big get around a six foot fence? I’m in awe but no less annoyed.

Wine suggestion: Chardonnay. Because of the fat feel of salmon, a lightly oaked Chardonnay with a hint of butter is a perfect choice. That’s not to say that salmon is fattening but that it is rich in texture. When I think of a good Chardonnay pairing foods like salmon, risotto, crab, chowder, and cream-based pastas come to mind because they have a richness about them that is delicately complimented by a quality Chard. I’ve stressed in the past that Chardonnay is not a favorite varietal of mine because it tends to be over manipulated resulting in too much oak or butter for my tastes. So, my go-to Chardonnay is Simi Winery’s Sonoma County Chardonnay.

Salmon and Pasta Salad
Salmon and Pasta Salad

Salmon and Pasta Salad

2 C cooked pasta twists

1 lb salmon, cooked

1 C thinly sliced zucchini

½ C thinly sliced celery

½ C olive oil

2 tsp Dijon mustard    *I always add more of this. It’s great with salmon.

2 Tbsp lemon juice

1/2 tsp garlic powder

green leaf lettuce to garnish

In a medium-sized bowl, combine pasta, salmon, zucchini and celery. In a small bowl combine the olive oil, lemon juice, mustard and garlic powder; mix until smooth. Pour dressing over the salad; toss to blend. Cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight. To serve, arrange salad on lettuce. Makes 8 servings.

*Once again, because I’ve been making this recipe since 1986, I am unable to site the author so just let it be known that this is not a recipe I created.